Photo of the RenCen from Historic Detroit (
STATEMENT FROM THE BOARD AND STAFF: Preservation Detroit is advocating for the full preservation and adaptive re-use of the Detroit Renaissance Center (RenCen) to safeguard its legacy for our community. As the city’s oldest and largest preservation organization, we are pleased to be supported in these efforts by the following co-signers: Docomomo_US/MI; the Michigan Historic Preservation Network (MHPN); and the National Organization of Minority Architects, Detroit (NOMA).
While we understand that only two towers are currently being considered for demolition, we believe this decision would have a lasting negative impact on the City. The RenCen is a unique and integral part of Detroit’s civic and architectural history, prominently featured in images of our downtown skyline and nearly as recognizable as the Old English D. Any changes being proposed to this iconic landmark should be approached with the utmost care and diligence.
We urge the City of Detroit to pause and more thoughtfully consider the future of this famous, historic, and renowned Detroit structure. One way of ensuring protection of the entire property, including all five towers, is designation as a local historic district. Additionally, we recommend that the Historic Designation Advisory Board be empowered to study the eligibility of the RenCen for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
Join our call to action! Your voice matters.
Read our letter of opposition (download the PDF below).
Contact your city council representative to lend your voice to the decision-making process: